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International conferences

  • Tajima S, Shimono M, Global delayed propagation of electrical signals in primate cortex. Society for Neuroscience 2015, Oct 20, 2015.
  • Shimono M, Weights and connectivity patterns on monkey cortical Connectome. Society for Neuroscience 2015, Oct 20, 2015.
  • Kobayashi R, Shimono M, Computer simulation of global brain dynamics at the neuronal resolution. Society for Neuroscience 2015, Oct 17, 2015.
  • S. Nigam, M. Shimono, O. Sporns, J.M. Beggs, Highly non-uniform information transfer in local cortical networks. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) 2015, March 5-8, 2015.
  • S. Nigam, O. Sporns, M. Shimono , J.M. Beggs, Patterns of information flow in local cortical networks. Organization for Computational Neuroscience Society 2014, July 26-31, 2014.  Link
M. Shimono , J.M. Beggs, Network community, clusters and hubs in cortical micro circuits. Organization for Computational Neuroscience Society 2014, July 26-31, 2014.  Link

  • M. Shimono, Global network community and non-uniform cell density in the macaque brain­. Organization for Computational Neuroscience Society 2014, July 26-31, 2014.  Link
M. Shimono, Global network community and non-uniform cell density in the macaque monkey brain. 9th Forum of Neuroscience (FENS), July 5-9, 2014.  
  • M. Shimono , K. Niki, Global brain networks contrasted by stability of Binocular Rivalry. Visual Science Society 2014, May 16-21, 2014. poster
  • M. Shimono, K. Niki,  Global structural brain network underling binocular rivalry. Neuroinformatics 2013, Aug. 27-29, 2013.
  • M. Shimono, K. Niki,  Global structural brain network underling binocular perception. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2013, June 16-20, 2013.
  • M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs, Universal principles of topology governing both of structural and effective connectivity.
 Neuroinformatics 2012, September 11, 2012 (reviwed).

  • M. Shimono , J.M. Beggs, Default network topology of local neuronal circuit. Brain Connectivity Workshop 2012, June 6-8, 2012.

  • M. Shimono, H. Mano, K. Niki, Subcortical network for  bihemisperic integration of visual perception: a DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) study, Neuroscience 2011, November 12-16, 2011 (reviwed).
L.Qi, K. Amano, M. Shimono, T. Takeda, Participant-dependent feature selection for MEG-based BCI application. Neuroscience 2011, November 12-16, 2011 (reviwed).
M. Shimono , J.M. Beggs, Community structure embedded in neuronal network. NOLTA 2011, Sep 4-7, 2011 (invited)

  • M. Shimono, Functional modulation of power-low distribution and the neuronal basis. SIAM conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, May 22-26, 2011 (invited)

  • K. Kitajo, Y. Nakagwa, Y. Uno, R. Miyota, M. Shimono , K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi A manulative approach to neural dynamics by combined TMS-EEG. ICCN 2011, June 9-13, 2011

  • M. Shimono , H. Mano, K. Niki, Individual difference of perceptual-bias in bi-stable perception and difference in brain structure. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2010, June 6-10, 2010(reviewed)

K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono , K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, State-dependent cortical synchronization  networks revealed by TMS-EEG recordings. The 2nd International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, November, 2009 (invited).  

K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono, K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, Manipulation of synchronous neural oscillations and cognitive processes by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Dynamic Brain Forum , March, 2009.

K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono , Y. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, Frequency-specific and state-dependent  cortical network connectivity revealed by TMS-EEG recordings in humans. Neuroscience 2009, October 17, 2009 (reviewed).

  • K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono , Y. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, State-dependent cortical synchronization  networks in humans revealed by TMS-EEG recordings. NIPS International Workshop for Scientific Study of  Consciousness, September, 2009.   

  • K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono, Y. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, Frequency-specific changes in TMS-evoked  cortical activity in open eye and closed eye conditions. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2009, June, 2009.   

  • M. Shimono, Y. Yamada, K. Sekihara, T. Takeda, Y. Kamitani, Single-trial classification of object category perception. 16th International Conference on Biomagnetism,   August 24, 2008.

  • H. Nakahara, M. Shimono, G. Uchida, M. Tanifuji, Stimulus-Induced pairwise interaction can be revealed by information geometric approach. The 1st International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics , November 17-21, 2007 (reviewed).
  • M. Shimono , T. Owaki, K. Amano, T. Takeda, Functional modulation of power-law distribution in visual perception. RIKEN SYMPOSIUM “Brain activity and information integration” ,  September 13, 2007 (invited).
  • M. Shimono , T. Takeda, A brain activity to control switching among perceptual states. Fifth East Asian Biophysics Symposium & Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan, November 14, 2006  (reviewed).
  • M. Shimono , T. Owaki, K. Amano, T. Takeda, A research on perceptual states coded in spectral exponent of MEG signal, 15th International Conference on Biomagnetism,  August 24, 2006

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