Comprehensive architecture of microcircuits of neurons.

Neuronal microcircuit has various non-random network architectures. We are going to investigate relationships between structure and function in terms of network architectures. We extract effective networks beyond functional networks with taking care of causality encoded in interacting activities of neurons (>100).

We call the research approach Microconnectome when satisfying these criteria:

  1. Comprehensive many body problems with keeping to see individual contributions.
  2. Seeing electrical flows with awaring of the underlining structural wirings.
  3. Quantitative evaluations of network architectures based on Graph theory.
  4. Nodes are generally neurons, sometimes, synapses.








  1. 個々の要素の役割も見える形で、多体問題として神経集団の相互作用ネットワークを捉える
  2. 背景にある構造的ネットワークによる拘束を意識した電気活動の分析を行う
  3. グラフ理論を活用する事で、そのネットワーク構造を定量的に評価する
  4. 基本的にはノードはニューロンとする (たまに、シナプスをノードとする事もある)
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