Nakajima, R., Shirakami, A., Tsumura, H., Matsuda, K., Nakamura, E., & Shimono, M. (2023). Mutual generation in neuronal activity across the brain via deep neural approach, and its network interpretation. Communications Biology, 6(1), 1105.
Matsuda, K., Shirakami, A., Nakajima, R., Akutsu, T., & Shimono, M. (2022). Whole brain evaluation of cortical micro-connectomes. Eneuro, 10(10).
M. Kajiwara, R. Nomura, F. Goetze, Y. Isomura, M. Kawabata, T. Akutsu, M. Shimono, Inhibitory neurons exhibit high controlling ability in the Cortical Microconnectome. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(4), e1008846.
S. Ide, M. Kajiwara, H. Imai, M. Shimono, 3D Scanning Technology Bridging Microcircuits And Macroscale Brain Images In 3D Novel Embedding Overlapping (3D-NEO) Protocol., J. Vis. Exp. 147 e58911, (2019).
- M. Shimono, N. Hatano, Efficient communication dynamics on macro-connectome, and the propagation speed. Scientific reports, 8(1), 2510 (2018).
- Y. Mizuno, M. Kawasaki, M. Shimono, C. Miniussi, Y.O. Okazaki, K. Ueno, C. Suzuki, T. Asamizuya,Cheng, K. Kitajo, Individual differenced in perception can be better explained by resting-state effective connectivity than by functional connectivity. Under review.
- S.Nigam, M. Shimono, S. Ito, F-.C. Yeh, N. Timme, M. Myroshnychenko, C.C. Lapish, Z. Tosi, P. Hottowy, W.C. Smith, S.C. Masmanidis, A.M. Litke, O. Sporns, J.M. Beggs, Rich-club organization in effective connectivity among cortical neuronss. The Journal of Neuroscience 36(3): 670-684 (2016) IF = 6.8
- N. Timme, S. Ito, M. Myroshnychenko, S. Nigam, M. Shimono, F-C. Yeh, P. Hottowy, A.M.Litke, J.M. Begg. High-degree neurons feed cortical computations. PLOS Computational Biology 12(5) e1004858 (2016) IF = 4.8
- M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs, Functional Clusters, Hubs and Communities in the Cortical Microconnectome. Cerebral Cortex 25 (10): 3743-3757 (2015) IF = 8.3
- A. Nakhnikian, G.V. Rebec , L.M. Grasse, L.L. Dwiel, M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs, Behavior Modulates Effective Connectivity between Cortex and Striatum. PLOS ONE 9(3) e89443 (2014)
- M. Shimono Global network community and non-uniform cell density in the macaque brain. BMC Neurosci 15, 100 (2014).
- Nigam, O. Sporns, M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs, Patterns of information flow in local cortical networks. BMC Neuroscience 15, 213 (2014).
- M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs Network community, clusters and hubs in cortical micro circuits. BMC Neurosci 15, 2 (2014).
- M. Shimono, Non-uniformity of cell density and networks in the monkeybrain. Scientific Reports, 3, 2541 (2013) IF = 5.2
- M. Shimono, K. Niki, Global mapping of the whole-brain network underlining binocular rivalry . Brain Connectivity, 3 (2), 212-221 (2013)
- K. Kitajo, Y. Nakagwa, Y. Uno, R. Miyota, M. Shimono, K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi A manipulative approach to neural dynamics by combined TMS-EEG. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (|||), 155-160 (2013)
- M. Shimono, H. Mano, K. Niki, The brain structural hub of interhemispheric information integration for visual motion perception. Cerebral Cortex , 22 (2), 337-344 (2012) IF = 8.3
- N. Friedman, S. Ito, B.A.W. Brinkman, M. Shimono, R.E.L. DeVille, K.A. Dahmen, J.M. Beggs, and T.C. Butler, Universal Critical Dynamics in High Resolution Neuronal Avalanche Data. Physical Review Letter 108, 208102 (2012) IF=7.5
- M. Shimono, K. Kitajo, T. Takeda, Neural processes for intentional control of perceptual switching. Human Brain Mapping , 32 (3), 397-412 (2011) IF = 6.0
- L. Qi, K. Amano, M. Shimono, T. Takeda, MEG feature selection for motion prediction. J Jpn Biomag Bioelectromag Soc , 22(2), 3-10 (2011)
before 2010
- K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono, K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, State-dependent cortical synchronization networks revealed by TMS-EEG Recordings . Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (||), 145-149 (2010)
- K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono, K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, Frequency-Specific Changes in TMS-Evoked Cortical Activity in Open Eye and Closed eye Conditions. Neuroimage 47, S134 (2009)
- H. Nakahara, M. Shimono, G. Uchida, M. Tanifuji, Stimulus-Induced Pairwise Interaction Can Be Revealed by Information Geometric Approach. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, 71-75 (2008)
- M. Shimono, T. Takeda, Predictability of the successful/unsuccessful in intentional switching of perception. J Jpn Biomag Bioelectromag Soc , 20(2), 27-36 (2008)
- M. Shimono, T. Owaki, K. Amano, K. Kitajo, T. Takeda, Functional modulation of power-law distribution in visual perception. Physical Review E , 75, 051902 (2007)
M. Kajiwara, R. Nomura, F. Goetze, Y. Isomura, M. Kawabata, T. Akutsu, M. Shimono, Inhibitory neurons exhibit high controlling ability in the Cortical Microconnectome. PLOS Computational Biology, 17(4), e1008846.
S. Ide, M. Kajiwara, H. Imai, M. Shimono, 3D Scanning Technology Bridging Microcircuits And Macroscale Brain Images In 3D Novel Embedding Overlapping (3D-NEO) Protocol., J. Vis. Exp. 147 e58911, (2019).
- M. Shimono, N. Hatano, Efficient communication dynamics on macro-connectome, and the propagation speed. Scientific reports, 8(1), 2510 (2018).
- Y. Mizuno, M. Kawasaki, M. Shimono, C. Miniussi, Y.O. Okazaki, K. Ueno, C. Suzuki, T. Asamizuya,Cheng, K. Kitajo, Individual differenced in perception can be better explained by resting-state effective connectivity than by functional connectivity. Under review.
- S.Nigam, M. Shimono, S. Ito, F-.C. Yeh, N. Timme, M. Myroshnychenko, C.C. Lapish, Z. Tosi, P. Hottowy, W.C. Smith, S.C. Masmanidis, A.M. Litke, O. Sporns, J.M. Beggs, Rich-club organization in effective connectivity among cortical neuronss. The Journal of Neuroscience 36(3): 670-684 (2016) IF = 6.8
- N. Timme, S. Ito, M. Myroshnychenko, S. Nigam, M. Shimono, F-C. Yeh, P. Hottowy, A.M.Litke, J.M. Begg. High-degree neurons feed cortical computations. PLOS Computational Biology 12(5) e1004858 (2016) IF = 4.8
- M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs, Functional Clusters, Hubs and Communities in the Cortical Microconnectome. Cerebral Cortex 25 (10): 3743-3757 (2015) IF = 8.3
- A. Nakhnikian, G.V. Rebec , L.M. Grasse, L.L. Dwiel, M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs, Behavior Modulates Effective Connectivity between Cortex and Striatum. PLOS ONE 9(3) e89443 (2014)
- M. Shimono Global network community and non-uniform cell density in the macaque brain. BMC Neurosci 15, 100 (2014).
- Nigam, O. Sporns, M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs, Patterns of information flow in local cortical networks. BMC Neuroscience 15, 213 (2014).
- M. Shimono, J.M. Beggs Network community, clusters and hubs in cortical micro circuits. BMC Neurosci 15, 2 (2014).
- M. Shimono, Non-uniformity of cell density and networks in the monkeybrain. Scientific Reports, 3, 2541 (2013) IF = 5.2
- M. Shimono, K. Niki, Global mapping of the whole-brain network underlining binocular rivalry . Brain Connectivity, 3 (2), 212-221 (2013)
- K. Kitajo, Y. Nakagwa, Y. Uno, R. Miyota, M. Shimono, K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi A manipulative approach to neural dynamics by combined TMS-EEG. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (|||), 155-160 (2013)
- M. Shimono, H. Mano, K. Niki, The brain structural hub of interhemispheric information integration for visual motion perception. Cerebral Cortex , 22 (2), 337-344 (2012) IF = 8.3
- N. Friedman, S. Ito, B.A.W. Brinkman, M. Shimono, R.E.L. DeVille, K.A. Dahmen, J.M. Beggs, and T.C. Butler, Universal Critical Dynamics in High Resolution Neuronal Avalanche Data. Physical Review Letter 108, 208102 (2012) IF=7.5
- M. Shimono, K. Kitajo, T. Takeda, Neural processes for intentional control of perceptual switching. Human Brain Mapping , 32 (3), 397-412 (2011) IF = 6.0
- L. Qi, K. Amano, M. Shimono, T. Takeda, MEG feature selection for motion prediction. J Jpn Biomag Bioelectromag Soc , 22(2), 3-10 (2011)
before 2010
- K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono, K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, State-dependent cortical synchronization networks revealed by TMS-EEG Recordings . Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (||), 145-149 (2010)
- K. Kitajo, R. Miyota, M. Shimono, K. Yamanaka, Y. Yamaguchi, Frequency-Specific Changes in TMS-Evoked Cortical Activity in Open Eye and Closed eye Conditions. Neuroimage 47, S134 (2009)
- H. Nakahara, M. Shimono, G. Uchida, M. Tanifuji, Stimulus-Induced Pairwise Interaction Can Be Revealed by Information Geometric Approach. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics, 71-75 (2008)
- M. Shimono, T. Takeda, Predictability of the successful/unsuccessful in intentional switching of perception. J Jpn Biomag Bioelectromag Soc , 20(2), 27-36 (2008)
- M. Shimono, T. Owaki, K. Amano, K. Kitajo, T. Takeda, Functional modulation of power-law distribution in visual perception. Physical Review E , 75, 051902 (2007)